Reference case

Internal and External Insurance reports


Accountmanagers and their assistants of an insurance collector manually use datadumps from a central dataportal (with customer dataviews) to make their own in- and external reports in MS Excel and MS Word.
As only a limited number of users can perform these activitities, this situation results in an unwanted overallocation of these users, apart from its data quality and inefficiency.
Because of the transition to a new insurance registration system, its data also needs to be reported with the addition of historical data from the current central dataportal, for which no combined reports exists.


We used the following software in this project:

MS Excel

MS Access


MS SQL Server


Advise together with the client about the possibilities to further optimize and professionalise its current internal and external insurance reports. Implement qualitative and efficient improvements in (technical) MS Office application, purpose, use and “look and feel”.


This project resulted in the following products:

Internal MS Excel reports

Current worksheets enriched with automated macro functionality.

Enriched Clientportal

A clientportal (in a SQL backend database) with read-only dataviews (using stored procedures) containing (historical plus actual enriched) aggregated data from original (historical) and new insurance registration systems. The clientportal is especially developed for reporting purposes.

A central multi-user MS Access frontend

Containing functionality for all users to generate a standardized external annual report per customer per period to send as. a pdf file to customers at any time.
This graphically designed annual report, contains a separate front and back page, a table of contents, an executive summary and 16 subreports.
Keywords: Office automation, reports, central dataportal, qualitative and efficient improvements in (technical) MS Office application, purpose, use and “look and feel”.

Automated and Professional Reports

Great Quality and Effiency Improvement In Insurance Report Process

Solutions4Office as Multi-Systemintegrator

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