Reference case

Standardized Microsoft 365 templates in de cloud

with VBA macros


A multinational operating from multiple business locations wants to restyle her corporate identity as part of a corporate rebranding project and migrate to the cloud. Parallell the acquisition of a new foreign company has been planned. Resulting in the need for new cloud-based automated, multilingual (Dutch, German and English) MS PowerPoint and MS Word templates, to be available for every employee (+50).


The project resulted in the following products: 

Solution proposal

Solution proposal for online workstations, operational with Visual Basic for Application (VBA) macro functionality. A central infrastructure in the cloud using MS SharePoint services and MS OneDrive. Incl. Microsoft 365 etc.

A complete rolled out online environment (incl. Microsoft 365, MS SharePoint and MS OneDrive)

A complete rolled out online infrastructure and (application) content. For example with MS Windows, MS SharePoint, MS OneDrive, Microsoft 365 and internet. MS Office files are centrally stored in MS SharePoint (‘in the cloud’) and synced to every users’ device with MS OneDrive.

A standardized and brand compliant MS Powerpoint template

Centrally stored and available in MS SharePoint (‘in the cloud’). Synced to every user’s device with MS OneDrive.

A number of standardized and automated multilingual brand compliant MS Word templates

Centrally stored and available in MS SharePoint (‘in the cloud’). Synced to every user’s device with MS OneDrive.
Including macros for generating an offer, a letter, a blank letter, memo, minutes, a cover letter and a report.
Selection per business location (legal entity), type of template, per language.
Multi-user, centrally accessible in MS Word in a customized ribbon.


Advise together with the client and graphical design agency about the possibilities of standardization, automation, central usage and maintenance of templates within the various business locations, based on the new corporate identity requirements.

Work out a possibility for central storage and availabilty of Microsoft 365 templates in the cloud with macro functionality.

Define, work out requirements and possibilities for standardized Microsoft 365 templates, with an uniform look and feel for all legal enitities.

Develop and implement multilingual, standardized, automated MS Word and MS PowerPoint templates with a uniform look and feel for all legal enitities. Aligned to its business-, IT-, corporate identity requirements and graphical design.



During the project the following software was used:

MS Word

MS Powerpoint

MS SharePoint

MS OneDrive


Keywords: office automation, templates, standardisation, quality, efficiency, improve, restyling, corporate identity requirements, standardized letters, standardized correspondence, building block documents, document parts, insert documents, building block documents macros, in the cloud, VBA macros, MS SharePoint, MS OneDrive, Microsoft 365, MS SharePoint Services, Sync Files, legal entity, legal entities, building block configuration, Dutch, German, English.

Complete Set Of New Corporate Identity Templates

We Rebuilded Everything

Centrally available in the cloud functioning with VBA macro's

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